
Swiss TAVI Register

Prospective, National Multi-Center Registry of Patients Undergoing Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) in Switzerland

PI: Prof. Dr. med. Roberto Cort

KEK-ZH-No.: 2013-0491

Mitral Valve Intervention Registry

Swiss Registry of Mitral Valve Interventions Registry of Patients Undergoing Mitral Valve Interventions (SwissMVI)

PI: Prof. Dr. med. Peter Wenaweser

Project ID: 2017-01104

AMIS Plus Register

Acute myocardial infarction in Switzerland, today: acute coronary syndromes in Switzerland

PI: Prof. Dr. med. Christophe Wyss

KEK-ZH-No.: 2014-0210/StV-No. 05/05

Quality Register Swiss Society for Cardiac Surgery

Prof. Dr. med. Jürg Grünenfelder


bRIGHT EU Post-approval study

An Obersvational Real-world Study Evaluating Severe Tricuspid Regurgitation Patients Treated with Abbott TriClip TM Device

PI: Prof. Dr. med. Roberto Corti

BASEC No. 2020-01840

EchoNavigator SmartVue Investigational Device

The Contribution of EchoNavigator Workflow Improvements on Efficiency for SHD Procedures

PI: Prof. Dr. med. Roberto Corti

BASEC No. 2020-02970

The IMPACT Registry

Surgical Aortic valve replacement: IMPACT of pre-existing comorbidities on patient outcomes and valve performance in a real-world setting

PI: Prof. Dr. med. Jürg Grünenfelder

BASEC no. 2019-02420


Early versus deferred aortic valve replacement in patients with moderate aortic stenosis combined with mitral regurgitation: a randomized clinical trial

PI: Prof. Dr. med. Peter Wenaweser

Project-ID: 2022-00150


An international prospective real-world study to evaluate the Effectiveness and Adherence of inclisiran plus standard of care lipid-lowering therapy compared to standard of care therapy alone in patients with primary hypercholesterolemia or mixed dyslipidemia

PI: Prof. Dr. med. Georg Noll

Project ID: 2022-00799


Empagliflozin functional capacity - Non-Interventional Study

PI. Prof. Dr. med. Christophe Wyss

Project in preparation