The hybrid procedure on the thoracic aorta allows open surgery in combination with endovascular stents.

Whenever possible, a spontaneous rupture of the aortic wall should be prevented by operating on the dilated aorta as early as possible. Sudden rupture or bursting can result in life-threatening internal bleeding, with an approx. 20% mortality rate despite emergency surgery.

Depending on the extent of the aneurysm, the aortic arch can be treated using a combined hybrid procedure on the ascending thoracic aorta.

The aim of the hybrid operation is to stabilize the widening of the thoracic aorta with internal vascular supports (endovascular stents) and to replace damaged aortic areas with a plastic prosthesis.

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Operation access

The operation on the ascending aortic arch is performed by splitting the sternum.

The heart surgeons and the surgical team at the HerzKlinik have many years of experience in aortic surgery.

Your contacts for the hybrid procedure on the thoracic aorta